dtkindler's blog

Apartment for rent

Hello neighbors...
Our 2nd floor 3 bedroom, 1 bath apartment (@ 214 South Taylor) will be available for rent June 15th. Hardwood floors throughout, working fire place, washer dryer in unit, 1 parking spot included.

Please email ccandicarter@gmail.com if you know anyone who may be interested.


Candi Carter

New Book by former neighbor David Sokol

Dear Friends and neighbors:

My new history of Oak Park, OAK PARK: THE EVOLUTION OF A VILLAGE, has just been released by The History Press. It is 208 pages and includes 95 illustrations. It is available at local bookstores and on Amazon.com.

I am scheduled to give a short presentation and sign books at The Magic Tree bookstore from 1:00 – 3:00, during Day In Our Village on June 6th.

A longer talk and book signing is scheduled for July 7th, at the Oak Park Library, at 7:00.

Police Bulletin

Police seek robber in fourth similar incident; caution urged 04.20.11

A fourth incident in less than a month involving late-night robberies of lone female residents has Oak Park police urging caution, further stepping up patrols and asking the public to be alert for suspicious individuals and vehicles in their neighborhoods.

Stevenson Park Planning

The Park District of Oak Park is inviting neighbors to a community planning process to discuss the future of Stevenson Park.

The meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday, April 20
7:00pm Stevenson Center

Please take a look at the attached flyer for more details. If you have ideas, concerns, or hopes for the future of Stevenson, this is the time and place to raise them.

As anyone who has ever attended a park planning meeting, or visited a park after the improvements were completed, knows, it is an open process and leads to actual results.

Drug Free OPRF

This from the fantastic parents who are taking on the pervasive drug culture at OPRF:

Dear OPRF families,

As you know from the work of the Citizens' Council, our teens are in a position of very easy access to alcohol and drugs of all sorts. We'd like to help them stay healthy and provide them a safer environment in their schools and in their free time at the homes of their friends. With lots of ideas in the works, there is one easy way to show your support for the efforts of the Citizens' Council: If you are on Facebook, please join the Parent Action Committee's newly created organization! It is called "OPRF Drug Free Teens." To join, please send a request to shecarson@mac.com and we'll send you the link.

We launched the Facebook site on July 1st and now have over 125 members. That's a great start, and we'd like to form a web that connects many more families in our community. After you join us on Facebook, please invite all of your local Facebook friends who'd be interested in our goals. We thank you for your support and urge you to become as involved as you can in helping us and the Citizens' Council eliminate/reduce drug and alcohol use among our teens!

The Parent Action Committee

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