Someone has been walking around the neighborhood with loppers/shears and cutting tree branches and plants near the sidewalk and leaving piles of clippings. In many cases they are parkway trees and otherwise well-trimmed plants that are barely over the sidewalk and being mutilated by this individual.
The Police are looking for them since it is against the Village ordinance to cut Village trees and there are also ordinances against damage to property. If you see someone out cutting branches or plants on other people's property, please notify the police. If your parkway tree has been mangled by them already, the Forestry Department would like to take a look and see if damage has been done.
Obstructions to the public way are appropriately dealt with by reporting them to the Village. If you see them or know anything, the Police would like to be notified. Our Beat Officer Robert Primak can be reached at or 708.305.9780.
Our neighbors do a good job of keeping the neighborhood safe and looking nice. This action is insulting and mean-spirited.