Property Values

We received a listing of all the “Detached Single Family” home sales in Oak Park for 2008, and the news for our neighborhood continues to be good. “OP” is all of Oak Park and “NN” is the Neighbor Net area.

Homes Sold Avg. Sale Price

OP ’01 - 456 $326,915

OP ’02 - 486 $371,892

OP ’03 - 487 $399,037

OP ’04 - 536 $455,048

OP ’05 - 496 $474,825

OP ’06 – 404 $511,448

OP ‘o7 - 379 $525,860

OP ‘08 - 331 $483,489

Homes Sold Avg. Sale Price

NN ’01 - 5 $317,000

NN ’02 - 6 $398,400

NN ’03 - 8 $427,812

NN ’04 - 8 $502,300

NN ’05 - 8 $493,031

NN ’06 - 8 $525,062

NN ’07 - 8 $521,875

NN ’08 - 9 $474,000

Homes in the Neighbor Net area are selling slightly below the average home sold in Oak Park.