From our Beat Officer Robert Primak


I would like to take a moment to thank all of the citizens and business owners of not only zone 4 but throughout the village for their continued support of the Oak Park Police Department.

Please continue to call the police and report any suspicious activity that you may observe. By working together we can make our community a safer place to live, work and play. Our officers have made a number of excellent burglary arrests from calls reporting suspicious activity.

Recently there has been an increase in residential burglaries not only in zone 4 but the surrounding areas. Attached is a .pdf file regarding active citizen involvement in combating crime along with crime prevention tips. Also included is the UCR Crime Index Numbers from 1982-2008.

I have community meetings the second Wednesday of each month at Percy Julian Middle School 416 S Ridgeland starting at 7:00 P.M. Additional information is listed in my newsletters.

I am also available to meet with the residents on a block. If you would like me to attend your block meeting give me a call. I can also meet with the residents of a condo or apartment building.

If you have not been to the Oak Park Police Department website lately stop by and take a look by going to the Village of Oak Park website, click on departments and then police. The Resident Beat Officers have their contact information listed along with the current newsletters.

A new feature on the police department website is the addition of a brief summary of incidents listed on the crime reports. While on the police webpage click on “crime reports” and open one of the files. When you open one of these files you can click on the yellow icon for more information about the incident.

I have also included a brochure that has been developed regarding bicycles. Incidents of bicycle theft and robbery typically increase during the summer months. Please take a moment to read the brochure. If you need to register your bicycle stop by the police department or contact me to make the necessary arrangements. We can also register bicycles at your next block party.

The police department will be selling unclaimed bicycles on May 30, 2009 from 9:00 A.M. – Noon at 260 Madison. For more information go to the village website, click on “breaking news” then “news releases”.

Contact Numbers:

9-1-1 in an emergency

708.386.2131 to have an officer dispatched in a non-emergency situation

708.386.3800 to talk with a police supervisor

708.434.1636 Crime Tip Hotline

Thank you for taking the time to read this important information. Please feel free to forward the information to your friends, neighbors or businesses.

If anyone has questions please contact me at 708.305.9780 or